Don't be afraid to tell people you love them!
Always be nice to your mother!
Don't take yourself too seriously! Be flexible! Try and try again!
Learn how to compliment men and women. Start by complimenting your own mother, father and siblings.
Spend quality time with the people you love (FAMILY). You never know when they may be gone forever.
Be kind and respectful to other people including yourself.
Don't let fear dictate your actions. Overcome the fear!
Believe in yourself!
When you are visiting someone in their home, never show up empty handed! Let them know that you are excited about seeing them.
Learn the art of "Killing with Kindness". Go out of your way to not be confrontational. Try to walk away from every moment getting someone to either smile, to say thank you, or to be at peace with the situation. Interpersonal Communication Skills are extremely important and make the world a better place.
Do not be late. Give yourself extra time. Set your clock 20 minutes early. Being late is a sign of disrespect. Be 10-15 minutes early if possible.
Always keep your body clean. Hair and body. Fingernails clean and trimmed. Hair always combed. Teeth always brushed. Deodorant always on.
Never scratch or re-arrange yourself in public. It makes us look unprofessional.
Never kiss a girl on the first date. Leave a sense of mystery and desire for a second date.
Remember....Life is not always fair. Deal with it. Suck it up and worker harder.
Before you ever propose marriage, ALWAYS ask for their mom and dad's permission first.
Showing emotion is not a sign of weakness. Yes... we need to be strong.... but we can still have emotions of the heart. Live, Laugh & Love.
Learn how to cook. People love that. Start off by learning how to cook one thing and get great at it. Then.... Try cooking a new dish. .
ALWAYS take your hat off when you enter into someone’s home.
Never where a hat at the dinner table. Do not wear a hat inside of a building. It is about having RESPECT.
Remember that trust is EARNED, and once it is broken, it's very hard to get it back. But don't quit if you break trust, get back up and work hard to regain that trust.
Never mix dark, light and colored clothes together in a washer. Wash them separately. Whites with hot water and darks and colors with cold water.
Everyone is equal, regardless of race, religion, size, shape or sexual orientation. Treat everyone with kindness.
Never raise a hand to a woman or a child. NEVER!
Find a hobby you are passionate about, and make time for it.
ALWAYS look people in the eye with kindness and purpose when you are talking to them.
Send flowers and cards on birthdays and on Mother's Day.
Don't spit, burp or pass gas when you are around people.
Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself, but don't be a bully.
Go easy on the cologne. A small amount goes a long way. Leave a scent not a chemical hazard!
Do not be afraid to say sorry! It is one of the most important words that can be said in a person’s life. Think it...Say it... Live it!
Garbage in... Garbage out... What we see and do as men becomes stored in our brains. The more violence, sexuality, drugs, alcohol we put into our brains through our actions whether acting it out, or seeing it through media the more garbage is going to come out of us. If we want goodness in our life... we have to put goodness in our actions. Kindness, forgiveness, charity, volunteering, love, respect... healthy body healthy mind.
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