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Christmas Serenity

Christmas Serenity
Christmas Season- Quiet Time Serenity

Sadly.. Sometimes bad things cannot be controlled from happening... No matter what happened.. We can choose to grow in goodness! It is about perseverance, effort, warrior spirit, while staying humble, hardworking, caring, patient. Their will be days that are hard. Their will be days that seem unbearable... Keep moving towards achieving greatness. I have to tell myself over and over, day after day, year and year that I have a purpose, we have a purpose.... We are meant for greatness and goodness.. sometimes bad things happen that try to take us on the wrong journey. It is up to us along with searching out a great support circle of friends & family and professionals to help guide us, help support us, help comfort us, help push us on those days that we are feeling weak and vulnerable. Walk with me! Mr. "P"




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