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Showing posts from September, 2020

Christmas Serenity

Christmas Serenity
Christmas Season- Quiet Time Serenity

Self Care Challenge

                              Self-Care Challenge See how long it takes you to complete the list of challenges.  Darken in the circle next to each challenge as you complete them. There is no wrong way.  Do the challenges over and over if you like them.  Challenge yourself and see if things start changing more positive in your life.  These challenges are meant for the young and the old.  Feel free to add challenges in the blog comments.    o    Meditate/Pray for 5-10 Minutes a Day o    Write down 3 things you're grateful for o    Do at least 25 jumping jacks o    Sit down at the table for breakfast every morning o    Read for 15 minutes before bed each night o    Light incense or a candle when you get home o    Write a letter to someone every day o    Write down one thing each day ...

This is a worthwhile short video! Colonel Sanders Story: A Motivational Story Finding Success & Overcoming...

Story: Value of Money VS Our Value

 Dirty Money The Story: A well-respected speaker began a seminar by showing an audience of 150 people a crisp $20 bill. He asked, “Who wants this $20 bill?” All 150 people nodded. He said, “I am going to give this money to someone, but first….” Then he proceeded to crumple the bill up. He asked the crowd again if anyone wanted it. All 150 hands went up in the air. The speaker then dropped the money on the floor and stomped all over it. He then raised it in the air to show the crowd. The money was filthy. “Does anyone want it now?” Every hand went up. The speaker proceeded to tell the crowd that no matter what he did to ruin the money, people still wanted it because its value remained the same. It was still worth $20. The Moral: Life often beats us up to the point where we feel inadequate. We deal with bad circumstances and make bad choices that we have to deal with later. However, no matter what you go through, your value will remain the same. You have something special to offer th...